Isabelle Healy was born in 1967 in Paris. She lives and works in Lyon.
In 1990, she took drawing and painting classes in Saint-Étienne in the studio of Madame Véran, a graduate of the Beaux-arts de Paris and a major in anatomy. Then
she wished to discover a new approach, other perceptions, a new master… Serge Tziganov will be this one during 7 years with the study of perspectives, academic
drawing, live models…
She turned to clay modelling, then to wax, the bronze technique, and sculpture.
Isabelle expresses in her sculptures the Joy of Living, energy, vitality, movement, the momentum of Life, fraternity and grace. Universal links such as love, childhood,
friendship, family, solidarity, nature and transmission are all themes that are dear to her, formidable sources of inspiration; the pieces thus become elegant, graceful,
full of emotion.
Her sculptures are poems that are both intimate and universal, representing the lightness of the moment.
Coming from drawing, she goes towards a form of stylization, towards the virtues of simplicity in order to keep the essential of a gesture, a movement, an attitude
or an intention, she goes towards the absolute.