GALRY - Everything but a gallery

Alione, virtuoso of interior portraiture

Galry is pleased to welcome the talented French contemporary painter Alione to its gallery

Alione is a French contemporary painter born in 1974. He reinvents the genre of Interior Portraiture with boundless creativity. Inspired by artists such as Basquiat, Van Gogh, and Gauguin, Alione cultivates a unique style that blends raw art, street art, and the poetry of comics.

Alione – Ambiance Jazzy, détail

The artist is a virtuoso of composition. Drawing from the art of graffiti, he develops 21st-century chromatic techniques inherited from renowned figures like Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat. His skillful use of color, influenced by Fauvism, is also a distinctive feature of his work.

Alione doesn’t confine himself to a single artistic movement. His work reflects a palette of influences ranging from Magritte to Picasso, encompassing the pop art of Roy Lichtenstein. His consistent concern for color harmony is the signature of his style. Each painting by Alione is a visual experience, conjuring a whirlwind of life and emotion through interior scenes populated with signs. The artist invites the viewer to decipher these detail-rich spaces, uncovering hidden stories within scenarios of everyday life steeped in art history.

Alione – Cérémonie d’ouverture – Techniques mixtes sur toile – 100 x 80 cm

The artist’s work transcends aesthetics. It offers a meditative experience, an active contemplation. Each painting tells a unique story, an unpublished film, inviting viewers to journey within these interiors rich in mystery and humanity.

Alione immerses us in a world of colors and emotions. His Interior Portraits charm, astonish, and intrigue, capturing life in a visual symphony. An invitation to explore the infinite of time through Alione’s unique lens.

Discover his works in photos or make an appointment to see them at the Galry!